Resource Pages – Personal Development

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Personal Development 


Engineering Council UK

UK Engineering Council

Looking to get professionally registered?
Best place to start is here, find out what’s required and find a institution.



I use their daily questions to test myself on Engineering / Maths and Science, I can’t recommend them enough.



This is the other way, from the book “Make it stick” this is an excellent flash cards site. Create an account and build or download pre made decks.

The Feynman Technique

Feynman Technique

In the book “Feynman: A life in science” his father describes a technique of going over a book many times if you’re finding yourself stuck at an idea, Feynman expands on this.

Scientific method & Baloney kit

Baloney detection kit

Can’t argue with Sagan. A good way of thinking when presented with information.

Eisenhower Matrix

Eisenhower Matrix

I used this everyday at work and try to focus on box 2.

The Mind of a Fox

The Mind of a Fox

The book itself is a short and easy read, however the main idea/chart in it is displayed on this site very well.
Take a look and read up on how it works, more for strategy base management but useful when planning projects and improvements.


How to avoid quick assumptions

Something that I work on everyday so that I don’t fall prey to assumptions, this site gives 5 ways to deal with them.