Book recommendations
Books I'm currently reading -
Why we should read daily.
Reading is a tool we use to open ourselves to new ideas, ways of thinking and methods to use in our lives.
It allows the greats from the past (and present day) to past on their knowledge to us, our job is not just read but to decide if we accept those ideas if different from our own, update our understanding and put it into practice to better ourselves and others.

Self Development Books Each book has an Amazon affiliate link to it, as always there is no addition cost to you but I do get a small commission if you decide to buy via the link, thank you.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people – Stephen Covey
- How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
- The Obstacle is the way – Ryan Holiday
- Man’s search for meaning – Viktor Frankl
- Rich Dad / Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki
- The Art of War – Sun Tzu
- A Survival guide to life – Bear Grylls
- The Demon Haunted World – Carl Sagan
- Make it stick – Peter C.Brown et al
- Spark!: The Revolutionary New science of exercise and the brain – John Ratey
- The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking – Dale Carnegie
- The Subtle art of not giving a f*ck – Mark Manson
- Mastery – Robert Greene
Lean & Six Sigma
- The Lean Toolbox: A Handbook for Lean Transformation – John Bicheno & Matthias Holweg
- Factory Physics – Wallace Hopp
- The Machine that changed the world – James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones & Daniel Roos
- Lean Thinking – James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones
- Out of Crisis – W. Edwards Deming
- The Goal – Eliyahu M. Goldratt
- The Mind of a Fox – Chantell Llbury
- The Visual Factory – Michel Greif
- Lean Design: Value Quality Profit – Sandy Munro
- The McGraw-Hill 36 hour course: Lean Six Sigma – Shahbaz Shahbazi & Sheila Shaffie
- A Revolution in Manufacturing: The SMED System – Shigeo Shingo
- Study of ‘Toyota’ Production System from Industrial Engineering Viewpoint – Shigeo Shingo
Engineering - Reference Material
- The Ref – Engineers Reference Handbook – Swiss Tech
- Engineers Black Book –
- Machinery’s Handbook – Erik Oberg & Franklin D. Jones
- Zeus Precision Data Charts and Reference Tables for Drawing Office, Toolroom & Workshop
- Engineer’s Data Book – IMechE
- Mitutoyo Quick Guide to Precision Measuring Instruments – Mitutoyo
Biographies - To be inspired
- Bill Gates (The road ahead isn’t his Biography, however it’s a good read)
- Nikola Tesla
- Elon Musk
- Albert Einstein
- Nelson Mandela
- Warren Buffett
- Benjamin Franklin