Resources to help you think like an engineer

Use technology to support people, not to replace people. Often it’s best to work out a process manually before adding technology to support the process. – The Toyota Way

Online resources to help think like an engineer

So you want to think like an Engineer?….well…

Here are three invaluable resources I regularly utilize to hone my engineering mindset these will help you to think like an engineer too:

✅ Brilliant (Brilliant | Learn interactively):
This platform serves as an excellent tool for testing and reinforcing my mathematical, logical, and scientific knowledge. It allows me to identify and fill gaps in my understanding while exploring new topics that pique my interest.

✅ Free Learning List (The Free Learning List):
I turn to this resource for comprehensive exploration and skill development. It offers a wide array of free educational materials across various subjects, empowering me to broaden my engineering expertise.

✅ Your Logical Fallacy Is (Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies):
This website helps me remain cognizant of logical fallacies and biases, crucial for maintaining clarity and objectivity in problem-solving.

These resources not only facilitate knowledge acquisition but also encourage critical thinking and analytical skills—all without costing a penny.

However, acquiring an engineering mindset goes beyond theoretical knowledge; it involves hands-on problem-solving and project implementation.

Personally, I find that engaging in astrophotography and utilizing my 3D home printer provide excellent opportunities for practical application.

By designing tools to enhance my astrophotography endeavours and tackling various household challenges—such as creating a weather station, plant feeder, or custom accessories for my Hoover—I continuously refine my engineering abilities.

For those seeking guidance on embarking on their own projects, YouTube tutorials coupled with software like Fusion 360 offer a wealth of free develop and practise.

Whether it’s crafting innovative solutions or pursuing personal hobbies, these platforms provide invaluable support for hands-on engineering endeavours.

Infographic - think like an engineer

The books in this piece are some of the many I have read to enrich and develop myself, check out my current reading list and recommendations at:

My book recommendations.

Or perhaps you would like to learn more? then I recommend my resources page:

Resource Page

There’s also my Engineer’s Log Book PDF download for £1.99!, get yours here:

Engineer’s Log Book PDF download

What are your thoughts? Have I covered everything or is there more you know and would like to share?

I’m always learning and improving this site and my blogs, so please feel free to get in touch with me via LinkedIn or this site to discuss any topics I have covered.

If you’re having trouble finding ways to progress check out this site filled with free learning tools: